Foreign Language
Editions & Translations
of the Prose and Poetic Eddas

and related texts

See Also
English Language Translations of Individual Eddic Poems
Detailing the Historical Progress of the Scholarship in English
  Codex Regius or "The King's Book"
Gammel kongelig samling 2365 4to
"Old Royal Collection no. 2355 Quatro"
An Icelandic manuscript of unknown date and providence acquired
and first recognized by Bishop Brynjólfur Sveinsson in Skáholt, Iceland

Odin Drinks from Mimir's Well
Willie Pogány (1923)

The 17th Century

1636 Ole Worm
Danica Literatura Antiquissima

1664 Olof Verelius
Gothrici & Rolfi Westrogothiae
Regum Historia Lingua Antiqua Gothica

The First Modern Printing of the Prose Edda,
Völuspá and Hávamál occurs in Denmark:

1665 Peder Hansen Resen
Edda Islandorum 

  The first edition, very scarce, of the more recent or prosaic Edda by Snorro, together with the Voluspa, Havamal, and Runacapitule from the more ancient or rhythmical Sœmundian Edda. First 54 leaves of preliminary matter with the signatures a—n 2; next the text with the signatures A—LI, each signature of 4 leaves, then 18 leaves: Philosophia antiquissima Norvego-Danica, dicta Voluspa. Afterwards 17 leaves (3 pages of which are errata): Ethica Odini vocata Haavamal. Last of all Gudmund Andreä's Latin translation of the Voluspa: Philosophia antiquissima Norvego Danica etc. Havn. 1673. 6 leaves of preliminary matter, 104 pages of text, and 8 leaves index vocab. and errata. The last two pieces are almost always wanting.  

1689 Thomas Bartholin
Antiquitatum Danicarum

1697 Johan Peringskiöld
Heims Kringla, eller Nordländske Konunga Sögor

The 18th Century

1715 Johan Peringskiöld
eller Historien om Könung Thiderich af Bern

1746 Johannis Göransson
A facing text translation of Snorri's Gylfaginning
in Old Icelandic and Swedish
1763 Louis-Félix Guynement de Keralio
Vaulospa: Ou L'Oracle de la Sybille

1763 Paul Henri Mallet
Introduction a L'histoire de Dannemarc
and Monumens de la mythologie de la poésie des Celtes
[Introduction to the History of Denmark
and monuments of the poetry of the Celts] 

Premier Tome (French)
Seconde Partie

1776 Gottfried Schütze
Prof. Mallets Geschichte von Dänemark

Includes a German Translation of The Prose Edda

1772 Michael Denis

Die Lieder Sineds des Barden
contains Völuspá and Vegtamskviða

1777 Jacob Schimmelman
Die Islandische Edda
includes Völuspá and Hávamál

1779 Johannes Gottfried von Herder
contains Völuspá (das Grab der Prophetin)

1779 Bertel Christian Sandvig

Danske Sange af det aldste Tidsrum

Vegtamskviða, Hávamál (Runatal), and skaldic poetry

1779 Grímur Jónsson Thorkelín
with Latin Translation, Notes and Glossary

1783-1785 Bertel Christian Sandvig
Førsog til en Oversættelse af Sæmunds Edda, Vol. I-II
Contains translations of Sólarljóð, Völuspá, Hrafnagaldur Óðins, Hávamál, Grímnismál, Lokasenna, Þrymskviða, Alvismál, Skírnismál, Vegtamskviða, Völundarkviða, Harbarðsljóð, Hymiskviða,
Fjölsvinsmál, Hyndluljóð, Rigsþula


 Edda Saemundar hinns Fróda:
Edda rhythmica seu antiquior (Latin)
Part I containing most of the mythological poems
with Latin translation excluding
Völuspá, Hávamál and Rigsþula

1789 Friedrich David Gräter
Nordische Blumen

Also See 
F. D. Gräter's Literary Journals
"Bragur" and "Idunna und Hermode"


The 19th Century

1800 Jacob Bernt Møinichen
Nordiske Folks Overtroe, Guder, Fabler og Helte  

1801 Nils H. Sjöborg

1807 Adam Gottlob Oehlenschläger
Nordiske Digte

1808 R. Nyerup
Edda eller Skandinavernes hedenske gudelære

1812 Frederich Rühs
Die Edda
Snorri's Edda
1814 Frederich Henrich von der Hagen
Die Edda-Lieder und die Niebelungen (German)
1815 Die Brüder Grimm

Lieder der Alten Edda

Contains the Heroic poems of the Edda
1818 Frederich Majer
Mythologische Dichtungen und Lieder
 der Scaninavier
Contains Völuspá, Vafþrúdnismál, Grímnismál, Skírnismál,
Vegtamskviða, Thrymskviða, and Hymiskviða.

1818 Arvid August Afzelius
Sæmund den vises Edda (Swedish)

1819 Per Henrik Ling (Swedish)
Eddornas sinnebildslära
1819 Adam Gottlob Oehlenschläger
Nordens Guder: et Episk Digt af Oehlenschläger

1819 Jacob Pontusson de la Guardie
Snorre Sturlussons Edda samt Skalda
1821 Finn Magnússon
Den Ældre Edda (Danish)
Vol. 1-2
Vol. 3-4

 Edda Saemundar hinns Fróda:
Edda rhythmica seu antiquior

Part III : Hávamál, Völuspá, Rigsmál

1828 Joachim Lelewel

Edda: to jest Księga religii dawnych Skandynawii mieszkańców

(Polish translation of Edda Rhythmica)

1829 Gustav Thormod Legis
Edda, die Stammutter der Poësie und der Weisheit des Nordens

1829 J. L. Studach

Sämund's Edda das Weisen

1832 Sveinbjörn Egilsson
Ólafs drápa Tryggvasonar er
 Hallfreðr orti vandræðaskáld

Hrafnagaldur Óðins p. 24

1834 Johan Gruber

Handlexicon i Gamla Klassiska Mythologien
with an appendix on Scandinavian Mythology

1836 Ludwig Uhland
Der Mythus von Thôr nach Nordischen Quellen
1837 Ludwig Ettmüller
Die Lieder der Edda von den Nibelungen

1838 Mlle. Rosalie du Puget
Les Eddas traduites de l'ancien idiome scandinave
1844 Reprint

1838 Frédéric G. Bergmann
Poëmes Islandais (French)
Völuspá, Vaþrúdnismál, Lokasenna
As a resident of the Alsace-Lorraine, alternately held by the French and the Germans, this scholar, wrote as Frédéric G. Bergmann and Frederich Wilhelm Bergmann throughout the 19th century, publishing commentaries on several Eddic poems from his seat at the University of Strassburg.
A COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHY of his works  can be found here.
1838 Édélestand Du Méril
Histoire de la Poésie Scandinave: Prolégomènes
Völuspá and Heroic poems

1842 Xavier Marmier
Chants Populaires du Nord
Voluspa, Vafthrudnismal, Vegtamskvida,
Thrymskvida, Havamal, Gudrunarkvida I

1844 William Edward Frye
Trois chants de l'Edda
Vafthrudnismal, Thrymsqvida, Skirnisfors

1844 Wilhelmina Stålberg
Försök till ett Nordiskt Mythologiskt Lexikon
"An Attempt at a Nordic Mythological Dictionary"

1846 G.D. Franquinet
De Völö-spâ

1847 Peter Andreas Munch
Den Ældre Edda

Edda Snorra Sturlusson
Edda Snorrii Sturlæi

1855 Karl Simrock

Die Edda: die ältere und die jüngere

1856 D. A. de las Ríos
Los Eddas Traduccion del Antiguo Idioma Scandinavo

1856 Paulus Cassel
Eddische Studien Vol. I: Fiölvinns-mal (German)
1859 Hermann Lüning
Die Edda (German)

1860 Vilhelm Billeschou Hjört (Danish)
Valasangen, Ravnegalderet, Viismandstalen
Völuspá, Hrafnagaldur Óðins, Fjölsvinnsmál

1863 Rosa Warrens
Zwei Lieder der Edda (German)
The Helgi Lays

1863 V.B. Hjört
Eddasangene (Danish)
at p. 69 of pdf file

1864 J. Aars
Udvalgte Norske Old Kvad
Contains translations of Þrymskviða, Vegtamskviða, Völuspá,
Rigsþula, Helgakviða Hundingsbana I-II

1865 V.B. Hjört
Den Gamle Edda eller Oldemo'r
last book of 3 on pdf file 

1866 A. Gjessing
Den Ældre Edda, Norrøne Oldkvad (Danish)
Contains the mythological poems

1866 Frederik Winkel-Horn
Nogle Digte af den Ældre Edda (Danish)
Þrymskviða, Helgakviða Hundingsbana I

1866  E. de Laveleye

La Saga des Nibelungen dans les Eddas
Contains the Heroic poems
1867 Edwin Jessen
Kort Nordisk Gudelære og Oversættelse af
vedkommende Dele af Eddaerne

1868 A.C. Kruseman
De Godsdienst der oude Noormannen

1869 Theophil Rupp
Eddische Studien
Commentaries on Fjölsvinsmál & Hrafnagaldur Óðins

1870 H. G. Møller
Den Ældre Edda

1871 Karl Esmarch
Aus Sæmundar Edda

1874 Svend Grundtvig
Sæmundar hinns fróði

1875 Frederik Winkel-Horn

Vore Fædres Guder
A Concise Nordic Mythology'

1875 Adolf Holtzmann and Alfred Holder
Die Aeltere Edda (German)

1876 Frederick Hammerich
Vølvespå: Nordens ældste digt

1877 Peter August Gödecke

1877 Bodo Wenzel
Die Æltere Edda
1885 Eduard Sievers
roben Einer Metrischen Herstellung der Eddalieder
Contains Völuspá, Vegtamskviða, Þrymskviða,
Hymiskvida, Lokasenna, Atlamál

1885 Julius Hoffory
Lieder der Alten Edda (German)
Heroic Poems

1887 Frederik Sanders
Nordisk Mythologi
with Illustrations by 'Nordic Artists'

1887 Hugo Gering
Glossar zu den Liedern der Edda (Saemundar Edda)

1888 Finnur Jónsson

1889 Wilhelm Jordan
Die Edda (German)

1893 Fredrik Sanders
Edda Sämund den vises (Swedish)
with Illustrations by 'Nordic Artists'

1895 Karl Gjellerup
Illustrated by Lorenz Frølich
Den Aeldre Edda: Gude Sange (Danish)

1898 Karl Ljungstedt

1899 G.A. Gjessing
Den Ældre Edda (Danish)

The 20th Century

1903 Barend Symons, Hugo Gering

Die Lieder der Edda

1908 Karl F. Johannsson
Främmande Religionsurkunder
includes Swedish translations of Völuspá, Vafþrúdnismál,
Hávamál, Thrymskviða, and parts of Snorri's Edda

1908 T. Cannizarro
Degli Scandinavi e dell'Edda Antica

1911 Olaf Hansen
Den Ældre Edda

1911 Frans Berding
De Edda

1913 Erik Brate
Sämunds Edda oversatt från islándskan

1914 Gustav Neckel
Edda: Die Lieder des Codex Regius
Vol. I Eddic Poems

1920 Felix Genzmer
Thule: Altnordische Dichtung und Prosa
vol 1
vol 2

1922 Rudolf John Gorsleben
Die Edda

1922 Richard Boer

Die Edda mit Historisch-Kritischem Commentar

2 Volumes (German)

1927 Gustav Neckel
Edda: Die Lieder des Codex Regius
Vol. 2: Commentary Glossary